Donald Trumps mug shot released after four indictments & four arrests

Four indictments. Four arrests. Four bookings. The first mug shot! Last night, Donald Trump drove straight from his private plane to the jail in Atlanta, where he was booked and photographed for his mug shot. His had secured a bond from a local bail bondsman before his booking, so he was released immediately. The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office released the mug shot just as Trump was leaving the state of Georgia. I can’t say I’m impressed by the quality of Fulton County’s photographer? All of the mug shots are so low-res, it kind of defeats the purpose of taking someone’s mug shot in the first place. Behold, Inmate number P01135809, glowering at the camera.

Unfortunately for all of us, Trump was not hosed down, deloused or weighed. He was able to self-report his hair color, height and weight, which… again, defeats the purpose of all of this. This man has been on a crime spree for the past two decades, treat him as such. He claims his hair is strawberry blonde (yikes), his height is six-foot-three (possibly) and his weight is 215 pounds. A liar who lies.

The night before Trump was booked, he did an interview with Tucker Carlson where he spoke openly about his desire for violence from his supporters. At the end of the day, nothing happened – there were only a handful of supporters anywhere near the jail, and Trump didn’t linger too long in Georgia. He did make a lil’ Nazi speech at the airport after his arrest and booking but since I was watching MSNBC and they didn’t air it, I remain blissfully unaware of what he said. I did see this, however – he made some exclusive comments to Fox News:

“They insisted on a mugshot and I agreed to do that,” he said. “This is the only time I’ve ever taken a mugshot.” He added: “It is not a comfortable feeling—especially when you’ve done nothing wrong.”

“This is all about election interference,” Trump said. “It all comes through Washington and the DOJ and Crooked Joe Biden—nothing like this has ever happened in our country before.”

Trump said the United States is “doing horribly, but now, it is doing worse because we have become a Third World country.”

[From Fox News]

“They insisted on a mugshot and I agreed to do that” – they would have done it even if Trump hadn’t “agreed.” “Nothing like this has ever happened in our country before.” I agree, never in our nation’s history has some diapered lunatic incited a coup against the republic and tried to ratf–k his way into a dictatorship because his widdle baby feelings couldn’t handle losing an election. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

Update: You’ll never guess who posted his mug shot with the message “Never Surrender” just hours after he surrendered for the fourth time.

Proclaiming "never surrender" along with photographic proof of your literal surrender is the perfect encapsulation of their entire movement.

— Travon (@Travon) August 25, 2023

Mug shot courtesy of the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office, additional photos courtesy of Backgrid.
